Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dear Facebook, Why Do You Hate Me?

Facebook, for right now, is the top social media site online.  Staying involved with your Facebook social marketing campaigns seems like a smart thing to do, right?  But are you one of the millions of people that it just seems like Facebook hates you for some reason, and nothing you do seems to work?
There are some problems with your marketing strategies on Facebook if you’re starting to feel that way.  As a matter of fact, if any of these things are happening to you, facebook marketingyou’re doing it wrong.
  • No one is “liking” your updates
  • No one is interacting or engaging with your updates
  • You’re not getting a steady following to your fan page daily
  • Your wife, or special other person, get’s more likes on their personal account than you do on your business account
It’s easy to get mad at Facebook for this problem.  They’ve changed everything now, their search graph is abounding, and I can see where you would want to blame this social platform for your problems.
However, the fault doesn’t lie on Facebook’s shoulders.  This is your fault.  You’re missing something and you don’t even know what it is!

What You’re Missing On Facebook

Forget about fan count. It’s nice to have a steady following coming in every day, liking your fan page, but if they’re not interacting with you, then they are useless to you. You want people that will engage with your updates, go to that link you placed, and generally turn them into a buyer at one point or another.
In my new ebook, I show you really how to turn engagements into a regular thing on any type of social account that you’re on, not just Facebook.
Engagement is what you’re missing.
Interaction is nice, but engagements are what you’re looking for. You can have an interaction with someone, but not fully understand what that persons goals are. An engagement with someone means devotion to that person. That’s what you want to build on social media with people. People that are committed to you, no matter what you say.
Is this possible to create a following like this? It sounds more like a cult!
The answer to that is yes. I’m reminded of a blogger that has a social following like this. This person could post on Facebook that the world was flat and get tons of people agreeing with them!
That’s devotion.
How Can I Get Devoted Followers?
There’s no magic pill that you can give these people. Neither is there a magical formula that you can use to derive devotion out of people. When I coach and consult with people that are having the same problems you’re having right now, the first thing I tell them is build trust.
Trust is the main ingredient to starting a devoted following.
You can use your own sense on this one. Simply throwing links all day and all night is not going to go very far to help you build trust with people. It looks more like you’re wanting people to go to your site and buy something. People can sense that stuff, and if you come on too strong, you’ll send them running for the hills never to be seen or heard from again!

Facebook Doesn’t Hate You

Facebook doesn’t hate you. You’re not giving the respect to your followers that they deserve, therefore you’re not creating trust with them. Give respect and you will get respect. Get respect from them and, after a while, they will become devoted to you.
Create trust by recommending products or services that you know will help people. Don’t sign up for an affiliate of a Clickbank product that you know nothing about and promote it to your readers. That’s the best way to cause them to put up a wall for you. Trust comes from a trustworthy person, and you have to gain their trust by being a person of integrity at all times!
What are you doing to create trust?
Besides sending links to your Facebook fan page all day, what are you doing to create trust with your fan base? Are you really respecting them when you spam links all day? Do you respect their opinions? If not, maybe that’s why they don’t give them in the comment section! Facebook doesn’t hate you, it can’t. But you can get to a point to where you begin to hate your very own social marketing on this platform. People easily get into a rut every day, and it can be easy to fall into. Jerk yourself out of the rut and start doing something different with your Facebook marketing today!

How To Get Attention With Your Social Media Marketing Updates

Social media marketing updates has come to the forefront of making money.  Both with large corporations and small business bloggers like you and I are understanding the social media marketing updatesimportance of social media marketing updatesas a whole and how it pertains to making money online.
There is one problem though.
You’re not the only person using it for financial gain.  There are millions of others out there that are competing for a piece of the pie.  There are others out there that want to catch that next reader in order to convert them later.
You’re not the only one, but you can have the upper hand.

Social Media Marketing Updates “Same Old, Same Old”

Think about it. Take your own personal experience when it comes to social media sites. Without knowing that you’re doing this, you constantly look for someone that you know. Someone that is trusted by you.
Why do you do this? Because your brain is making the connection of trust, it is therefore creating a personality trait within you that connects you to that person. It has been argued that trust increases subjective well-being because it enhances the quality of one’s interpersonal relationships, and happy people are skilled at fostering good relationships.
That’s what others are experiencing
People you don’t know are scrolling through the social media platforms looking for their friends or people they trust because their brain is allowing them to disregard everything else with reticular formation. This can also be called cognitive recognition in social media marketing.
Let me coach you and make your social media marketing better!

Social Media Marketing Updates Tactics To Break Them Free

What makes people pay attention to you? When you’re at a party, or in a restaurant, what can you do that will make those people in that social situation pay attention to you?
You can act like an idiot, that will definitely get their attention, but in a negative way. Which will in turn make them feel above you. In this type of social media marketing updates you want people to feel that you’re an authority on a certain subject without causing them to build a wall in front of you as you make your advance to the sale.
Another way you can get people’s attention in a social situation is by announcing something. Say you’re about to propose to your girlfriend and you “ding” your glass and call attention to yourself that way. This type of attention creates warmth and appreciation with others. They have empathy because the people that are already married begin to reminisce about the day that they asked their wife to marry them or vice versa.
This type of attention through social marketing can get you the attention you want, but is more of a passive way of bringing people to the sale. Creating this type of break out with people you don’t know usually leads them to feel warm and fuzzy, not as though they needed something.
The final way, and one that I think is very important, you can get their attention in a public place by choking. Now, for lack of a better explanation, I will use this example because it can show you a real world scenario that you can use to refer to your social media marketing.
Choking causes all types of emotions in a social situation. One time a little girl was choking in a restaurant at the table beside ours, and without asking her parents permission, I jerked her out of her seat, turned her upside down and relieved her of the chicken bone that was lodged in her throat.
Of course the parents were grateful, they even bought my dinner that night, and it got everyone’s attention. This is the type of attention you want to get from people that you don’t know on social media.
Here’s the key points from the choking incident:
  • Attention was made
  • I acted on the situation after the attention was made
  • Even though I was rough a reward was given
  • Because I helped, other people were inclined to come and thank me
Forget about the share.  You’re trying to make some money.  When you get people’s attention in this way on social media, no matter what you do to them, they will thank you for it.  You’re helping them accomplish something and they will tell your friends, it will get out so that other people will be coming to you for advice on a certain subject.
Become the authority on a topic in your social media marketing updates and people will flock to you!

Tips – Things to do Before Applying for Google AdSense

Google AdSense, the largest global advertising network and Pay Per Click Program. The pay rate is better than all the other networks are so popular because it is the largest of all the bloggers and Webmasters. But since everyone is running behind them, they have very strict approval system. Here the best Tips to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense:
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Tips to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

Privacy Policy Page

One of the most common mistakes that every blogger does and I’ve done many times before getting approved. Although there are people out there that say they have a privacy policy for a blog does not make sense, but wrong.
Privacy describes readers about what they’re getting in your blog, what to do and what not to. So obviously, there is nothing wrong with having a privacy policy. Although it may affect in any way approved AdSense, you should give it a try. You can write it yourself or find generators Privacy Policy Online.
You can also generate a free Privacy Policy Page if you don’t know what to write and include.

Copyright Policy Page

Create a Copyright Policy Page you can also use the Generator a free Copyright Policy page from here.

Disclaimer Page

You can also create a free Disclaimer Page in your blog this is also the best way to get fast AdSense approval.

About Page

About Page has a greater role and importance if you want to apply for AdSense. But when it comes to AdSense, they are about zero chance of being approved if you are not showing this page page. About Page just described about you and your blog. This not only will help you establish a relationship with readers, but will also trust you.

Contact Us Page

It is clear that everyone has his/her own opinion. What one of your readers would like can be annoying to someone else. Than it is better to give them the opportunity to talk to you and tell you how they feel about your blog, they want to be published, what they liked or hated.
Also display Google AdSense team is viewing your site that really cares about its readers, not just money and AdSense.

Name/ Email Verification

Make sure your name and email address easily placed in a visible area like Contact pages.

Your Age Verification

Make sure your age must 18+ age before Applying for Google AdSense.

Traffic Matters a Lot

If you site getting low traffic, than first focus your site traffic by posting useful contents in your site also updated fresh posts.

Your Website/Blog Minimum Number of Posts

Here’s an exact answer. Not one. Because I’ve seen very established blogs with 400 posts + and its owner told me that Google AdSense rejects them. Exactly what I said that there is no real answer. However, we can always predict things. In my experience, it should only be applied after more than 80 messages. Posts length should be 500 words + too, also make sure all posts are unique and fresh.

Design of your Website/Blog

Your blog is the greatest thing after Content. This is their expertise, experience and professionalism. So be careful because anything can kill your chances.

Top Level Domain

Those who have gone far when used to approve AdSense on “” or “Blogspot” blogs . As for today, must have its own unique domain that specifies your blog. If you do not have one yet, stop dreaming of being approved with sub domains and go buy a top-level domain.

Never Use Other Ad Networks Along with AdSense

If you have any other ads placed as Chitika, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to leave.
Even Google AdSense allows you to use other advertising networks, along with them, it is best to remove the ads before applying and not put back to elicit a response from AdSense Team.

Don’t use Paid Traffic System in your Blog

Google hates sites that are getting paid traffic and especially punishes them for what is not a damn chance to get AdSense approval letter for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring search engine traffic or any other way you want, but if you want to earn through Google AdSense correctly, paid traffic is not a solution.

Tips to Keep your AdSense Account in Good Standing

Nowadays, many people make money online through various ways such as blogging. Google AdSense is one of the best way to make money online. Anyone, you, me or anyone else can become a AdSense Publisher. One needs to work hard to get approval from Google AdSense.
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Google AdSense: Public Policy and Guidelines

Here is the common guidelines and policies of Google AdSense usually Newbie / publisher is a violation of Google AdSense.  So, follow the below mentioned policies and guidelines approved by Google AdSense account.
Never click on the ads Google AdSense - Google AdSense have system to track and monitor their activities which can put you in trouble so never click on your Ads. 
Do not invite someone to click on your ads that click bombing – Google AdSense monitoring system is more accurate than you.’s. Never ask your friends to click on your ads.
Choose to place ads on your website properly to avoid accidental clicks by visitors - You do not need to force them to see what advertising by making them click on it. Instead, you should place ads on the remote control panel. 

Some other key points to keep in mind

Traffic Sources: The traffic receiver must be original and not paid traffic
Ad Behavior: AdSense ads codes’ can not be altered or changed
Ad Placement: Always display ads on pages that have enough content and display ads very close to the images or any part of the bonds, etc., also do not display ads on blank pages
Site Behavior: Sites that display AdSense ads should be easy to use and users can navigate the site easily, redirect users to unwanted sites is against the AdSense program policies.
Subscribe to AdSense YouTube ChannelAdSense Blog and Via Email to get latest updates and tips direct from AdSense Team.

Six Ways to Grow a LinkedIn Group: Tips From the Pros

Are you part of a LinkedIn group that has stalled?
Do you want to create a LinkedIn group?
LinkedIn groups can be a great way to network with your customers, peers and other professionals in your industry.
But it can be challenging to grow your group and get the people you want to join and participate in the discussions.
We asked the pros to share their best tips to grow your LinkedIn groups.
Follow these tips and you’ll find it easier to create the type of community you’re looking for.

#1: Use Email to Send Invitations That Convert

viveka von rosen
Viveka Von Rosen
You’ll need to send out invitations to get your contacts to join your LinkedIn group and LinkedIn has a form for you to do this.
The default LinkedIn message that’s sent when you fill out the form below is: “Subject: Name invites you to join Group” and “Welcome Message: I would like to invite you to join my group on LinkedIn.” Unfortunately this has about 1% chance of getting someone to your group.
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Standard LinkedIn group invitations can be boring. (Note the link field at the bottom gives you the link to your group. Copy this and create a custom URL for your group to use in your email invitations.)
Let’s face it. There’s enough noise out there. If you want to get someone to join your group, you need to give them a good reason. Instead of using the standard LinkedIn invitation, use email to craft the kind of message that will get your contacts to join your LinkedIn group.
In my opinion, the person who does this best is Jill Konrath. She has created a beautifully branded email that she sends out to her email list. It not only shares the link, but some of the reasons you might want to join her group, Fresh Sales Strategies.
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Jill Konrath's well-branded email gives you reasons to join her group.
Let’s take a look at how this works.
Use email to invite your prospective members. This allows you to expand beyond your LinkedIn network. For those of you who only want to invite your LinkedIn connections, you’ll want to create an external contact list:
  • Create a specific group on whatever CRM or email service you use (Outlook,Gmail, etc.).
  • Export your LinkedIn contacts.
  • Send email to this Group only.
But why would you limit it to just your LinkedIn members? Invite your whole mailing list if relevant!
Brand your email with your website and LinkedIn group branding. Be sure touse a clear call to action, such as “Join Now.”
Lead with the WIIFM (What’s in it for me?). Be very clear on what your group has to offer. What are the benefits to the user? Tell your contacts what they’ll get by joining your LinkedIn group and make sure this aligns with your business’s marketing message.
LinkedIn group URLs are not easy to remember. Create a customized group URL ( that’s easy to use and remember and use this in your email invitations.
Send a simple, elegant invitation via email to relevant lists and you’re sure to see your LinkedIn group grow in size.
Viveka Von Rosen, author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day and is known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert.”

#2: Set Up an Auto-Send Email to New Members

mike delgado
Mike Delgado
One of the keys to help you grow a successful LinkedIn group is toget new members engaged with you and your community quickly.
You can jump-start the engagement process by auto-sending an email asking new members to make a quick introduction to everyone. Make it really simple to do this and provide a link that goes right to your LinkedIn group URL.
Setting up an auto-send email for new members is very easy. Once logged into your group, click on the “Manage” link at the top, then click on the “Templates” link on the left sidebar. Make sure the Auto-send box is checked and click on Edit Template to compose your message.
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It's easy to set up an auto-send email for new members.
Remember to keep your message quick and easy to read, with a URL to drive them to your group.
Here’s a simple template you could use to encourage new members to start engaging.
welcome message
Use a simple template to get new members to engage.
Another tip to boost engagement with members is to make sure you connect with them after they’ve joined your LinkedIn group. This will ensure you can engage with them in the LinkedIn stream too.
Mike Delgado, author of and the social media community manager at Experian.

#3: Set Up a Regular Email Plan

kristi hines
Kristi Hines
If you want a successful group on LinkedIn that benefits your business, then be sure to take advantage of the ability to email members.
Remember that you can email your members once a week using the Send Announcement option. Give these emails thought and turn your LinkedIn group members into leads for your business. For example, you might want to offer free content downloads and webinars related to the theme of your group on a regular basis.
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Customize your email message before you send it to new members. Image source: iStockphoto
If your group is open to the public, include a line in your welcome email and regular announcements and ask members to spread the word about the group to help it to grow. You can even include a tweet for people to share by using ClickToTweet to create a custom tweet that members can share with their followers that includes a link to your group.
Kristi Hines, freelance writer, ghostwriter and author of Kikolani.

#4: Focus on Creating Discussions

linda coles
Linda Coles
It’s not as easy to build a LinkedIn group as it is to build a Facebook Page. LinkedIn is used as a business tool and so is probably mainly used during work hours. Facebook is a form of entertainment and is used at all hours. The messages you receive from both of these platforms are very different.
Without the availability of cute inspirational picture quotes, your LinkedIn group content needs to be both useful and worthy of a discussion. So how do you know what will work and what won’t? The answer is trial and error—but very often it’s just the simple things that get the most traction.
Try to talk about something that will resonate with your audience or pull on an emotional string in some way. Members may have had an experience of a similar nature to share. People love to tell their own stories and others like to listen.
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Share discussion topics that resonate with your audience and spark conversation. Image source: iStockphoto
Remember also that not everyone in the group will click Like or leave a comment. There are also the voyeurs who are watching, listening and learning from those who are taking part. Just like your blog visitors, very few actually commit to take action, but they are there just the same, so keep posting!
Focus on creating discussions and members will want to come back and participate.
Linda Coles, founder of Blue Banana.

#5: Go Niche!

stephanie sammons
Stephanie Sammons
When you build a LinkedIn group, it can create a number of benefits for your company. For example, a LinkedIn group can position your company as an industry leader and also serve as a pipeline of potential leads for your business.
My best tip for building a successful LinkedIn group is to go niche. When you focus on a specific target audience for your LinkedIn group, magical things can happen.
As the old saying goes, “birds of a feather flock together.” Chances are, the members of your target market are already connected to people who are just like them on LinkedIn and other social networks.
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Focus on a specific target audience and encourage connections among them. Image source: iStockphoto
As they join your group, their connections have the potential to see this activity, which is essentially a peer endorsement of your group. Additionally, you can enlist industry influencers to become advocates for your group.
These group advocates can help recruit members using their online influence, and they can also serve as discussion leaders to engage your members.
A more obvious benefit of focusing on a niche target market is that they’re likely to have similar needs and goals. You can create engaging discussions within your group that will increase participation when you focus on the needs, questions, concerns and issues that your members are collectively facing.
It’s much easier to come up with discussion ideas and content to share inside of your group when you understand the needs, issues and concerns of your specific target market!
When you focus on a specific niche for building your LinkedIn group, you can run targeted ads to promote your group within LinkedIn. For example, if you were targeting “financial advisors” for your LinkedIn group, you can run promotional ads within LinkedIn that target the job title “financial advisor” to get your group promotion ads in front of the right LinkedIn members.
Building a high-quality LinkedIn group is a long-term process and requires hands-on management, but you will get there much more quickly if you go niche with your LinkedIn group building efforts!
Stephanie Sammons, founder and CEO of Wired Advisor.

#6: Select the Right Name for Your LinkedIn Group

melonie dodaro
Melonie Dodaro
It’s important to choose the right name for your LinkedIn group. The name you choose can have an impact on how easy it is for others to find your group.
Before you decide on the name for your LinkedIn group, identify your goal for setting up a group. For example, are you looking to create a networking group for people within your industry or do you want to create a group for your ideal clients? Determining your goal is essential in ensuring that you select the right name for your group.
You’ll want to make sure the name you select targets the specific people you’re looking to attract. If you want to attract people from a specific geographic area, include the name of the city or area in your group name. For example, if your target market is businesspeople in San Diego, you may want to name your group San Diego Business Networking Group. It’s also important to have a custom logo made for your group to ensure it looks professional.
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It's important to have a custom logo for your group.
Select a name with the keywords that people would use when searching for groups on LinkedIn. This will ensure your group shows up in the search results. By doing this, you’ll see a lot more organic growth for your group.
Melonie Dodaro is recognized as Canada’s #1 LinkedIn expert and is the founder of Top Dog Social Media, a company that helps businesses leverage the power of social media.

Social Media Marketing Networking Club

Social Media Examiner hosts the Social Media Marketing Networking Club on LinkedIn.
This is a LinkedIn group for marketers and business owners to network, learn and make connections. You’ll find discussions around the best ways to use social media tools to help your business.
We’ll strive to provide a safe environment where everyone is welcome to interact without spam, harassment, inflammatory or obscene remarks, prejudice or other nonsense. Join our LinkedIn group.
What do you think? Have you tried any of these tips above? Have you got any LinkedIn group tips you’d like to share? Please share your comments below.